Monday, May 18, 2020
The end - 6477 Words
House on Mango Street Study Question Key â€Å"The House on Mango Street†(section 1) 1. Esperanza is the narrator of this story. What is her attitude toward the house on Mongo Street? -She does not like the house. It is not their dream house. It is falling apart. The family owns this house, so they are no longer subject to the whims of landlords, and at the old apartment, a nun made Esperanza feel ashamed about where she lived. The house on Mango Street is an improvement, but it is still not the house that Esperanza wants to point out as hers. 2. What is the dream house that Esperanza describes? What does it show about her? -A house with stairs, running water, rooms for everyone. The dream house shows that Esperanza and her†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Our Good Day†(section 6) 1. Who says, â€Å"If you give me five dollars I will be your friend forever?†-Rachel 2. There are two reasons for the five-dollar request. What are the reasons? -For a new bike and for friendship 3. Why does Esperanza agree to do it, and why is $5 cheap? -She really wants a friend. $5 is not a lot for 2 friends. 4. Why does Esperanza like Rachel and her sister Lucy? -Lucy and Rachel are Chicana sisters whose family is from Texas, and when Esperanza is embarrassed to tell her new friends her name, they dont laugh at it or find it unusual. 5. Describe the sister’s clothing? -They were wearing their black Sunday shoes without socks. Etc. 6. Why does Esperanza agree if she knows it â€Å"will make [Cathy] mad forever†? -Cathy does not want Esperanza to have anything to do with Lucy and Rachel, explaining that they â€Å"smell like a broom.†Lucy and Rachel are more similar to Esperanza than Cathy is. 7. Why is the ride back â€Å"crooked†? -All three girls were riding the bike together. â€Å"Laughter†(section 7) 1. Why is the laughter of Esperanza and her friends â€Å"like a pile of dishes breaking†? -Esperanza and her sister are characterized with this type of laugh. It shows what the two have in common. 2. Why does the house â€Å"feel right†to Esperanza? -It reminds her of the houses in Mexico. 3. Why does Nenny agree, and how does her reaction bring Nenny and EsperanzaShow MoreRelatedJourneys End by R.C Sherriff.1739 Words  | 7 PagesHow does Journeys End show the effects of war on the men involved? Journeys End is a play about British soldiers in World War One, and the effects the war has on them, both physically and mentally. The play explores many aspects of war life, including friendship, alcoholism, class boundaries and the lifestyle of the men in the trenches. This essay explores how the play shows the effects of war on those involved, looking at use of dialogue, lighting, props and other key dramatic devices. The essayRead MoreEnd of the World Essay examples2245 Words  | 9 PagesDo you expect the world to end? Will humans leave the world to another life form soon? These questions have plagued man since his inception on this planet. 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